The Longest Day, March 26, 2020
Traveling from Christchurch, NZ, to Newark, NJ, as the world was quickly entering into lockdown.
I departed from NZ around 4pm, March 26. Landed in Newark NJ, roughly 24 hours later, at around 7am, March 27. Due to the timing and direction of my travel, I spent close to 40 hours in the date March, 26 2020.
Traveling from Christchurch, NZ, to Newark, NJ, as the world was quickly entering into lockdown.
I departed from NZ around 4pm, March 26. Landed in Newark NJ, roughly 24 hours later, at around 7am, March 27. Due to the timing and direction of my travel, I spent close to 40 hours in the date March, 26 2020.